Lo-Fi #ShittyCameraChallenge, #InstantRegret: a filter kit for the Kodak Handle

Lo-Fi #ShittyCameraChallenge, #InstantRegret: a filter kit for the Kodak Handle

I wanted to explore further what could be obtained from the Handle, and one of the ideas I have is to use monochrome film and try to bump up the contrast with some filters. 

Although I have a set of nice glass filters for making trichromes, and other coloured filters for enhancing contrast, that is far too easy for the #shittyaesthetic I am looking for. 

Fortunately, while I was searching for accessories for another project I came across a (greatly reduced) kit of four coloured filters — called lenses by Fuji, but I really can't see how they can be classed as such — for the Instax 8, a cheap Instax Mini camera.

However, these were built for the Instax, and were incompatible with the Kodak Handle. I therefore needed to remove the little clips on the back of the 'lens' that would fix it to the Mini 8 and also saw off a little bit of the white frame around the lens so that it would not obscure the exposure meter on the Handle. 

After loading the PR10 cassette with the last piece of Instax Square film, I headed out to test the red filter. 

Actually, I was pleasantly surprised, the image had a lovely red tint, apart from the green of the trees, and the image was nicely exposed — I had dialled down the exposure compensation a notch to account for the filter effect.

However, apart from the centre of the image which was reasonably sharp (in the loosest sense of the word), the remainder of the image was completely blurry. For me, this was perfect, but I can imagine the disappointment of Instax Mini users who might have thought this filter kit was a good idea. 

#Kodak, #Handle, #Instant, #Camera, #classic, #Instax, #repair, #Wide, #OCC22, #OldCameraChallenge, #Retro, #Vintage, #InstantRegret, #believeinfilm,
