Some more Through the viewfinder (TTV) photography with the Fotax Flexo and Fotomekano Unibox, 13 April 2024

Some more Through the viewfinder (TTV) photography with the Fotax Flexo and Fotomekano Unibox, 13 April 2024

A while ago I started experimenting with Through the Viewfinder photography using a Ferrania Elioflex pseudo TLR camera and a Nikon Coolpix S8000 digital camera. I built myself a Contraption out of black foamboard and achieved some really lovely results. Buoyed with my experiments I wanted to try some more TTV photography and invested in a cheap Kodak Brownie Hawkeye with a hazy lens and viewfinder. The problem was that I was so pleased with my renovation of the Hawkeye (and flipping the lens, for good measure) that I couldn't really bring myself to install it into a Contraption. 

So I've been looking around for more (insanely cheap) cameras that I can fit inside a Contraption for some TTV photography, and of course the Kamerastore website is my go to place. I came across a Kodak 1A Autographic Jr folding camera with stylus for 15€, and looking for something to make the delivery costs more manageable I added a cheap Fotax Flexo, a 127 film format pseudo-TLR, and a 620 Fotomekano Unibox.

Both of these cameras were found in the 'Not Passed' category. The Fotax Flexo had 'haze and fungus in the viewfinder and lens that will affect image quality. The viewfinder opening is rusty and squeaky. Has rust on the aperture and shutter. [The] B mode switch is stiff to use', and the Fotomekano Unibox had 'some general wear from use and age [and] a lot of haze inside the lens that will affect image quality.'

Cleaning both of these cameras was quite straightforward, although the shutter assembly of the Fotomekano Unibox was lightly glued together and I wasn't sure if I had broken it, though all was well. I cleaned the outside and inside of the lens and viewfinder of both cameras and reassembled them.

The viewfinder of the Unibox came out really well, and the 'brilliant' viewfinder was brilliant once again. However, the viewfinder of the Fotax Flexo was actually a ground glass screen and although the viewfinder was cleaned nicely the image through the viewfinder was a little soft. Choosing between the two cameras I will be sure to make a Contraption for the Fotomekano Unibox first.

#ThroughTheViewfinder, #FotaxFlexo, #FotomekanoUnibox, #TwinLensReflex, #WaistLevelFinder, #TTV, #Contraption,
