The #FrugalFilmProject, May 2024: In Oliveira do Bairro with the 1920s Generic Folding Camera

The #FrugalFilmProject, May 2024: In Oliveira do Bairro with the 1920s Generic Folding Camera.

After some success with exposing Instax Wide film in the 1920s generic folding camera, I really couldn't wait until May to try my technique again and I actually took these images last week, during April. As I've already made two posts in April, I hope that you won't mind if I hold these over for the May entry?

As we were in Oliveira do Bairro I thought it would be nice to try he camera in an urban setting. I took the camera with me to Lidl, and around the town, and made several exposures with my 'new' technique of taking a meter reading at ISO 800 and 1/100s, sometimes with a neutral density filter and sometimes without depending on the conditions, then setting the aperture on the camera to one stop less than the meter reading.

Most of the exposures were really good. A couple were actually underexposed this time, quite a deviation from my usual experience, but I've definitely got the framing issue resolved and the photograph of the water tower came out really well.

There were some light leaks from a couple of the film holders, but all of my film holders worked really well. I'm still finding loading the films in the dark bag a bit fiddly, but by year's end should be better at that ... hopefully. 

I also tried taking two images of the same subject, in this case the concrete pipe in the tall grass behind Lidl, one with a neutral density filter and one without. I noticed for the first time that without an ND filter the images came out much more natural looking. With an ND filter the image showed a slightly blue cast and I'd certainly noticed that with the photographs taken in Barra and Vagueira.

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#Generic, #Folder, #Camera, #1920s, #Instax, #Instant, #InstaxWide, #Experimental, #Vintage, #FrugalFilmProject, #Urban,
