The #ShittyCameraChallenge: Out with the Sony PlayStation Portable and a 'Deakinizer', 10 June 2023

The #ShittyCameraChallenge: Out with the Sony PlayStation Portable and a 'Deakinizer', 10 June 2023

This afternoon the weather cleared up nicely after a dull start. So I grasped the opportunity to go out with the PlayStation Portable and the Panavision wide-angle converter that I took delivery of yesterday. 

The idea for the wide-angle converter was to use it as a 'Deakinizer', a lens invented by cinematographer Roger Deakins that creates an image with a clear centre and blurred edges. I had heard that a cheap way to make a Deakinizer is to hold a wide-angle converter reversed in front of a camera lens, and a DIY Deakinizer is the perfect companion to the Shitty Camera Challenge. 

I took a wander around the woods behind our house, one of my favourite places to take photographs, and spent a happy hour or so with the 'Deakinizer' and the Sony PlayStation Portable. Upon returning home I loaded the photographs onto the computer and saved a few as bitmap files for glitching.

#LensMod, #Deakinizer, #Panavision, #LensFlip, #Wide-Angle, #ReverseLens, #Lens, #Blurry, #Dreamy, #ShittyCameraChallenge, #Sony, #PlayStation, #PSP,
